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†† = Undergraduate mentee; † = Graduate mentee


Del Piccolo, G.W., Z.B. Klein, and M.P. Zeigler. 2024. Population viability analysis of Chihuahua Chub in the Mimbres River, New Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 153:630643. 


†Del Piccolo, G.W., J.M. Smith, Jr., T.L. Martinez, Z.B. Klein, and M.P. Zeigler. 2024Comparison of non-lethal aging structures for Chihuahua Chub Gila nigrescens and Rio Grande Sucker Catostomus plebeius. The Southwestern Naturalist 68:3034. 


†Miazga, J.R., Z.B. Klein, J.D. Koch, and B.C. Neely. 2024. The influence of system characteristics and biotic interactions on White Crappie population dynamics in Kansas impoundments. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 127:924. 


Vaisvil, A., M. Willmes, E.J. Enriquez, Z.B. Klein, and C.A. Caldwell. 2023. A needle in a haystack: strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) in otoliths identify origin of Largemouth Bass from a large Southwest reservoir. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science


Klein, Z.B., and J.L. McCormick. 2023. Evaluation of the influence of correcting for gillnet selectivity on the estimation of population parameters. PLoS ONE 18(6): e0287434.


Miazga, J.R., Z.B. Klein, J.D. Koch, and B.C. Neely. 2022. The effect of harvest regulations on White Crappie fisheries in Kansas impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:16231634.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, C.S. Guy. 2022. Suppression of invasive fish in the West: Synthesis and suggestions for improvement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.


†Smith, Jr., J.M., Z.B. Klein, C. Steffen. 2022. Documentation of invasive Rusty Crayfish Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852) in Kansas. BioInvasions Records 11:766775.


Klein, Z.B., B.C. Neely, and J.D. Koch. 2022. Relationships between Gizzard Shad, impoundment characteristics, and sympatric fish species. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:447454.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, A.M. Dux, and M.P. Corsi. 2020. Ontogenetic diet shifts with potential ramifications for resource competition in a kokanee-Mysis diluviana system. Hydrobiologia 847:3951–3966.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, D.J. Schill, A.M. Dux, and M.P. Corsi. 2020. Influence of population density and length structure on angler catch rate in kokanee fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:182189.


Feeken, S.F., Z.B. Klein, M.C. Quist, and N. Horner. 2019. Population characteristics and potential suppression of Common Carp in Lake Spokane, Washington. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:1–13.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, A.M. Dux, and M.P. Corsi. 2019. Growth disparity in sympatric kokanee breeding groups. North American Journal of Aquaculture 81:169–177.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, A.M. Dux, and M.P. Corsi. 2019. Evaluation of gill nets and mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:343–352.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, L.E. Miranda, M.M. Marron, M.J. Steuck, and K.A. Hansen. 2018. Commercial fisheries in the upper Mississippi River: a century of sustained harvest. Fisheries 563–574.


McBaine, K.E., Z.B. Klein, M.C. Quist, and D.T. Rhea. 2018. Diet of Burbot and implication for sampling. Intermountain Journal of Science 24:1–13.


Klein, Z.B., M.J. Breen, and M.C. Quist. 2017. Population characteristics and the influence of discharge on Bluehead Sucker and Flannelmouth Sucker. Copeia 2:375–388. 


Klein, Z.B., T.F. Bonvechio, B.R. Bowen, and M.C. Quist. 2017. Precision and accuracy of age estimates obtained from anal fin spines, dorsal fin spines, and sagittal otoliths for known-age Largemouth Bass. Southeastern Naturalist 16:225–234.


Klein, Z.B., R.S. Hardy, and M.C. Quist. 2016. Diet of juvenile Burbot and insight into gape limitation. Intermountain Journal of Science 22:55–69.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, D.T. Rhea, and A.C. Senecal. 2016. Population dynamics of non-native Burbot with implications for suppression. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1006–1017.


Watkins, C.J., Z.B. Klein, M.T. Terrazas, and M.C. Quist. 2015. Influence of sectioning location on age estimates from Common Carp dorsal spines. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:690–697.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, D.T. Rhea, and A.C. Senecal. 2015. Habitat use of non-native Burbot in a western river. Hydrobiologia 757:61–71.


Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, D.T. Rhea, and A.C. Senecal. 2015. Sampling techniques for Burbot in a western non-wadeable river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22:216–223.


Klein, Z.B., M.M. Terrazas, and M.C. Quist. 2014. Age estimation of Burbot using pectoral fin rays, branchiostegal rays, and otoliths. Intermountain Journal of Science 20:57–67.

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